March 15, 2016 – With a bit of help from Google, we managed to find the five most popular car brands in Lebanon from 2004 to this day, and the results aren’t very surprising.
At the top sits German automaker BMW with an average “interest over time” of 57, whilst arch-rival Mercedes-Benz is the second most popular as the chart shows an average interest over time of 35.
“Interest over time” is not the number of total searches, meaning a score of 100 represents peak search interest (e.g: more than 50,000 people used the keyword) and a score of zero means there was not enough search volume to display results (e.g: less than 500 people used the keyword).
The two premium German manufacturers are followed by Japan’s big three: Toyota, Nissan and Honda, with the first two tied in average interest (21), whilst the average interest for Honda is 20.
All other manufacturers had an average interest of less than 20, with Kia for example, having 12.