The smell of pads & tires is not aromatic at all. Many thinks that Petrol & Paint are aromatic & many thinks don’t & get severe[singlepic id=140 w=320 h=240 float=right] headaches. But you will never hear a guy stuck in heavy traffic jam saying: “what a nice smell of pads & tires!” but on Friday May 13, 2011 the smell of breaking pads & tires were so tasty for the spectators in Azadi race track. The second “Red Bull Car Park Drift 2011” broke the record of attendees in the track’s history having built 17 years ago. Apart from those 9 thousand spectators sitting in the stadium, some 15 thousand couldn’t find their way to the race track which only holds 5 thousand at most. 21 drivers having been selected from total 67 drivers attending for the pre qualifier session came together in Azadi race track to [singlepic id=143 w=320 h=240 float=left]show their prowess at drifting with their unique cars. Among the 21 selected drivers, some familiar names were visible: Nader Jafari, the winner, Mehrdad Hemmatian & Mostafa Khalafnezhad, the second & third places of last year’s race. The presence of a lady driver, Laleh Azhdari, was interesting to show how women could do sports considered machos.
“Red Bull Car Park Drift” started sharp at 11. The selected participants got on the track consecutively which had been designed by Abdo Feghali, the Red Bull Athlete who is considered the designer & head judge of “Red Bull Car Park Drift” competition in the whole region. The race track full of donuts, roundabouts, “S” curves & Figure of Eights, let the drivers not only show their talents in slow runs but also make themselves see in fast runs through technical drifting. The unbelievable crowd impressed Dado a lot which led him drift the[singlepic id=145 w=320 h=240 float=right] race track magnificently 4 times with his branded “Mitsubishi Evolution” & brought him standing ovations several times. He took Hossein Shahriari, chief of Motorsports Federation & Pejman Jamshidi, ex Iran national team football player with himself to let them experience something they won’t forget.
The Final Result:
After two hours of tough racing, Dado’s shortlist reached 3 names: Mehrdad Hemmatian, Nader Jafari & Shahab Pishanidar. The first two[singlepic id=142 w=320 h=240 float=right] had been on the podium in last year’s event though Shahab could not be considered as the first-timer in “Red Bull Car Park Drift” of Tehran. He was the same guy who drifted with his Peugeot 405 front differential car last year in a show run impressing everyone with his skills. With his Genesis Coupe, he set foot to “Red Bull Car Park Drift” & sealed all the necessary points to his name. His points in terms of 70% drifting skills, 10% car sound & smoke, 10% spectators’ cheers & 10% Car look was way better than two other competitors given him the opportunity of sweeping the competition in his own favor. Shahab Pishanidar announced as the “Red Bull Car Park Drift” to represent Iran in Lebanon’s final. The “Red Bull Car Park Drift” 2011 finals will be held less than 2 months in Beirut.
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