Shaheen Jaber “Sonny” had an unlucky result of his Speed Test Campaign this season by ending the first heat a little far away from the lead and experiencing a mechanical failure at the same time. Sonny with his good attitude and ever so hopeful behavior was optimistic after the race and was thinking about the future. We met Sonny after the speed test and talked a little about the season starting from Sunday’s speed test.
How do you evaluate your participation in this event and what happened with you before the second heat?
I was very satisfied with my first run. You know in the first heat you get used the circuit and you try to learn it as much as possible. After the end of the first heat I had an electric problem but my time was already set. I couldn’t fix the car in time for the second heat so my score was not good enough. Anyway we all know that the second is the most important so it’s a pity that I couldn’t complete it. It’s okay we scored some point and the championship is long and we are still in the beginning of the season.
We got tipped that you have a new sponsor for this year’s championship, tell us more about it?
Our new sponsor is Jack Motors; it’s a new car brand in Lebanon for the Chidiac motors company. The car is built by Mitsubishi and Subaru components and we hope the sponsor stays for the whole season. I also have Global Tyres owned by Georges Huiyek the agents of BF Goodrich in Lebanon. The car is tuned by Philip Kazan. And at the end Saab electric our brother is not considered a sponsor but a brother for us where is always there by our side.
How did you find the competition this year?
All the guys have improved their cars, and many are on new cars especially on the prototypes. The competition is very severe. The first heat was very competitive and in the second heat they all went to the limit. Thank God that no one suffered any accident or any problem. It is okay to have problems in the cars but not with the guys themselves.
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