Michel Feghali; 1 run is enough

Michel Feghal on; his only run, Roger and Abdo as well as thanking the sponsors.

[singlepic id=1962 w=320 h=240 float=left]He was there to continue the Feghali family domination on the Falougha Hill Climb by winning the RWD category. He is known to be a BMW fanatic and through 1 run he led his car to the victory. We met Michel Feghali for a quick chat after the race on Sunday.

How did you find the competition and how do you feel after the win?

I am very happy with the result. I only did one run and in the next run I lost my tyre. All my competitors prepared their cars to the maximum and I was prepared too, so I did beat them.

Do you think at the upcoming Hill Climbs, 1 run would be enough?

I really hope so.


Can you confirm that you will be participating in the coming Hill Climbs?

I will be participating for sure. I would like to thank my sponsors, Motul . I would like to thank Nabil Feghali for the car preparation and Roger and Abdo because they are always by my side. I would like to thank all MotorTune members who helped me a lot in addition to Zouzou Salem, and Jihad Abi Rached and Hanna Nahhas.


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