It is his best result so far this season with Rayess team. Mathieu Reboisson took his EVO 9 Proto to 3rd place overall after a disappointing first run in Deir El Qamar due to a small mechanical problem. We met Mathieu after the race and had this small chat.
You had a problem in the first run tell us more about it.
We had a problem in the fuel injector so we fixed in the service after the first run. I had to cruse the first run so I don’t take any risks. The target was to reach the service safely so I do better times in the second and third runs.
The second run was very fast and you came closer to Ziad and Abdo.
Every run was better and better and this is what we are looking for.
What do you promise us for the coming Hill Climb?
I promise you that we will keep improving and we will be targeting to compete with Ziad in the coming Hill Climb.
Why are you using a different Proto Type between the Hill Climb and the Speed Test?
In the coming speed test I will be using the Hill Climb car from now on. Thanks to the guys in the Rayess Competition and Rayess Racing parts who are giving me the chance to compete for free. It was my choice to choose the EVO 6 in the speed test but now I will be competing in the EVO 9.
Is this car competitive with Abdo and Ziad’s cars?
It is competitive but we should keep working to improve more and more.
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