Abdo Feghali came back from an unfortunate fire on his first run during the 1st Speed Test 2013 at Beirut Waterfront, to take a dominant victory following a brilliant run on his second try.
Eddy Abou Karam came in second place overall; the Evo IX driver improved by almost 7 seconds in Heat 2 to ultimately take the Group N victory. Raed Hassan, who lead the way in Heat 1, couldn’t improve in the afternoon, therefore settled for a solid third place overall finish.
The new Aces category went for Garo Haroutian on his BMW 1M, followed by Chadi Akl and Paul Kossaifi.
Elie Ghanem took top honors in the Amateur category, with Mohammad Kaissi second and Samer Abdelmalak third.
With Garo Haroutian in the Aces category, Michel Zougheib took advantage of the situation to take the rear-wheel drive title on a BMW 316i. Chadi Abou Assi snatched the front-wheel drive category win onboard a Peugeot 205.