He has been performing exceptionally since the beginning of the season, he has won his category in very rally and hill climb he participated in from the beginning of 2011 apart from Falougha were he finished third. After some time traveling, Bassel Bou Hamdan came and won the last hill climb in Bteghrine. We met him and had this quick chat.
Congratulations for winning your category and class, how did you find the road and the race today?
The race was great and it was a new experience for us on such roads. We are not very used to this kind of fast hill climbs, but we were able to adjust and move on.
Some drivers claimed that you hit the chicanes to gain some time.
Honestly I did not hit any chicane. ATCL knows how to create roads and what speeds we should use and how to drive to gain time. We did not need to hit chicanes in order to win. Some drivers saw the front bumper damaged on my car, but this is from Falougha. Anyway the way it’s damaged could by no means have anything to do with hitting a chicane or else I would have won.
You skipped the hill climb in Falougha, how did it feel here in Bteghrine after this time away?
Well this is why I had the slow time on the first run, so I had to lush more in the second run. I was a bit rusty sine I was in Spain due to some work, but once I got my head back to the racing it was good for me to get the time and win the category. I had my technical support team manager Maher Monzer next to me to tell me where I did wrong so I can improve. Anyway one you’re away from the sport for around a month you will be a bit slow on the start.
With the presence of drivers like Michel Abou Jawdeh on this category wouldn’t the competition be stronger?
Of course, Michel is a very good driver and I respect him so much, As well as Bechara Beschir and the new guy on the R3 Robert. I have the honor to compete with them and I consider myself their student.
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