After concluding 2 days of testing on the roads of Bteghrine, controversies around the event are still circulating. Abdo Feghali talked to the media openly yesterday and claimed that his car had the highest top speed between all the competitors. Abdo’s claim was supported with the use of the speed trap gun on straight after the start. We caught Dado saying:
“I have the fastest car in the hill climb. And here is my message to the doubters. Garo was recording the top speed and here are the results:
1-Abdo Feghali: 149 KM/H
2- Mathieu Rebiosson: 143 KM/H
3- Ziad Feghali: 135 KM/H
4- Paul Kosseifi: 132 KM/H
Group N runners Joe Ghanem and Tamer Ghandour Recorded 125 KM/H”
These figures only mean one thing though that the Prototypes still have the edge and the BMWs are a bit far away. But is it all about top speeds?
Well basically not but top speeds will play a huge role in determining the winner. The entry and exit from the 7 chicanes will also play a role. Hitting a barrier would hand the drivers a penalty they won’t be able to compensate for. The track doesn’t allow drivers to show their technique and they will basically all be very close especially those on similar machinery.
The other question that can be asked here would be:
Is this track good for the fans?
Since the beginning of testing fans have been confused if they go to watch the race or not. They are asking about the ideal place to sit and watch and basically there is not ideal place. The track is somehow flat. Even the curves don’t show any spectacle for the fans. There are no side exists to the road and the fans would need to walk a lot to reach a supposedly good place to watch. Was it a well calculated to choice?
It’s not looking like a good calculated choice. We were fancying this motorsport season in Lebanon, especially in Hill Climbs and Rallies, where the number of participants have increased. In Falougha we had around 40 competitors and this is a very good number looking at the situation of the country. Reportedly and unofficial reports have it, that many drivers and droping the idea of participating on Sunday. The likes of Garo, Nick Georgiou, Chafic Boulos, Fouad Feghali have registered and are not looking forward to compete after checking the road. This is a big loss for the sport.
On the other side, the road doesn’t present any characteristics of a good show, not even for the media. The absence of good landscape options and tough curves will make it tough for photographers and videographers to capture dramatic moments and show case a good image about the event.
The event tomorrow will be a big challenge for everyone and we will have to see how things turn around.