September 2, 2011
F1 Doze
A Formula 1 blog for all the passionate lovers of the Number 1 sport in the world.
Explained: Formula 1’s Energy Recovery System (ERS)
F1 is the laboratory for normal, daily used cars. In the below article, I will explain how the ERS (Energy Recovery System) works and its benefits. Previously known as KERS (Kinetic Energy Recovery System), which was first introduced in 2009, the ERS can be simplified as follows: We all remember when we were kids the toy cars that we used to have. Remember how we used to drag the car backwards several times and then leave it on the floor and the car used to quickly accelerate from our hands? We all remember that, right? The car accumulates the energy in something called the “flywheel” from dragging the car backwards and releases it once we leave it on the ground. The ERS is more complicated than that, but the example was…