Cop whose foot was run over by Ferrari driver filing $10M lawsuit

Do you remember the video we once posted showing some hotshot Ferrari 458 Spider owner running over a NYPD cop that was writing him a ticket for illegal parking? Well, here is the link in case you didn’t.

The police officer, identified as Felix Recio, is filing a 10 Million dollar lawsuit against the 458 Spider owner Julien Chabbott, claiming that Chabbott had intentionally run him over.

According to Recio, the incident left him with a swollen foot and bruising, and believes that “he (Chabbott) deliberately drove towards me with an intent to hurt me”.

Chabbott’s attorney denied the charges, stating: “We are not aware of any civil lawsuit. I would be shocked if a $10 million lawsuit is in fact being contemplated given the fact that we have developed information to the effect that the officer in question appears to have suffered no injury whatsoever.”