Eddy Abou Karam: the win comes as a reward for my efforts last year

Eddy Abou Karam surprised many with his win in the Group N category. He was able to beat his more experienced teammates and many other excellent drivers to claim his first ever career-win. TGRS, his team locked the Group N podium and he was the man on top.

Many people consider you win the surprise of the day, what do you consider it?

I guess this is a reward for all what I have struggled for last year. I hope I can continue this year on this level. Tony is helping me a lot. I improved a lot and the car has improved a lot too. Thanks for all the people who helped and thanks to you too.

We were speaking to your rally co-driver, Elie Mousallem and he told us that if people were present at the practice days they should not be surprised by your results. What do you say?

100%. I knew in the practice that I can improve my time, and I was able to translate this today.

You were able to beat your teammates, Gilbert, Joseph, Rony and Michel. Do you think you can continue to beat them, or do you find it more difficult in rallies?

For sure rallies are much more difficult. The guys have more experience in rallies than I do. I am trying to take it step by step in order to improve. I will keep on doing what I can and I won’t take risks and I won’t do anything above my abilities for now.

Any final message to your sponsors and to your team?

For sure I would like to thank Tony first. He is truly “Tony Germany Rally Skills”. He is giving us everything and not just preparing our cars. I would like to thank my sponsors, Tyre Mania, Silver Star, Rottwheil Lubricants and Mohle filters.