The Red Bull Car Park Drift audience was looking forward to seeing three of the best drivers this year: Garo Haroutian, Feras Khaddaj and Xavier Massaad. Unfortunately, all three of them did not take part in the event for different reasons.
Garo Haroutian, who was expected to show up in a Toyota Supra, opted against running; the Falougha Hill Climb rear-wheel drive category winner wasn’t very motivated to join in. Feras Khaddaj meanwhile, also skipped the event; last year’s winner simply wasn’t ready, his BMW still a work in progress, he chose to allocate the resources for next year. Xavier Massaad was another no-show; the driver was involved in an accident which broke his hand; this killed his hopes of a participation.
15 drivers managed to qualify for today’s local finals which are taking place at the Fouad Chehab Stadium in Jounieh tonight (8:00 PM).