Here’s a crazy onboard in a Volvo 242 rally car

March 9, 2016 – While a Volvo 242 is no ideal rally car, it seems to work well for Sweden-based Rådström Motorsport team; in the end, it’s got four wheels and an engine, so why not race it?

How does it feel to race a Volvo 242? Fortunately, this onboard video footage provided by the team gives us an idea, and we can’t but give credit to the talented man behind the wheel, because that is some neat driving on snow; we’ve also added a nice clip of some crazy outside shots.

Insane Volvo OnboardSkill-Level: 100 (y)Credit: Rådström Motorsport Volvo 242

Posted by Rallye-Magazin on Wednesday, 9 March 2016

Flat out, pure sound ?

Posted by Rådström Motorsport on Monday, 7 March 2016

Volvo 242 rally snow