Interview Christian Kurban on his second comeback!

Photo Credit: Motorsport eMagazine on Facebook

After his shy return in 2011, Christian Kurban one of the legends of the Lebanese rally makes another comeback and it is for real! What does Christian have to say ahead of his return to action this Sunday. In 2011 we interviewed him and he asked us to consider him a rookie, what has changed?

Christian, first of all, after a poor return to the Lebanese Rally Championship in 2011, what made you come back this year?

 The biggest reason for my return is the sponsor, and Rami Al-Akhawi who’s paying all the necessary fees. Rami is even more excited than I am.

 Why doesn’t Rami take part in the championship?

Rami likes rallying, but he doesn’t like to be a competitor. He likes to watch me race and he has been backing me for almost 20 years, he’s always been there for me and he doesn’t leave one occasion unattended. Without him I wouldn’t be here. Even when I was racing in the old days.

Christian, why have you chosen the Renault Clio R3, and with Ghassan Khoury, not someone else?

 To be honest, I tested the car before taking the decision on whether to use it for the championship or not. The Clio R3 gives you the feeling to drive, and I love this kind of cars. Either you find yourself [comfortable] in the car or you don’t. Ghassan has done a great job on the car, it has got 0 kilometers on the odometer, nobody has ever driven it before.  I will be the first person to drive it, which is great.

How was the test and do you think it was enough? 

No, it is was enough. We only went for three test sessions, the first of which was to check whether we could go forward with the car, and fortunately we did; the second and third tests were genuine tests.

The main issue is that I am way behind [the other drivers]; I last contested a rally in 2011, and there was also a 15-year gap between 2011 and 1996, and now there’s a 3-year gap between 2011 and 2014.

We will try our best and work hard. I have my job as well, and it does not allow me to do further testing, which is not ideal.

 Why have you chosen Rami Menhem as your co-driver? 

To be honest, I took part in the 2011 edition of the Cedars Rally with Rami, and it was all 100 per cent. I am very convinced and I have no problems with him whatsoever, I did not really think of any other option.

The front-wheel drive category this year will be hotly contested; there are several new cars including many Renault Clio Maxi R3s and two Citroen DS3 R3s. How do you stack up against Bassel Abou Hamdan, Robert Aaraj, Henry Massaad, and perhaps Gilbert Bannout at the Summer Rally. 

There will be no competition before the first two special stages, because as I said before, I am way behind the others. Of course, I’m not here to just finish, I am here to compete, and my target is a class victory, but again, I am coming from way behind, so I do not have the answer at the moment. The answer will be after the rally. The target is to win, but the result will be in the rally and the first couple of special stages.

Christian, do you think competing in one rally is enough or will there be a full-season program?

It will be a full-season program, all four rallies.

And Hillclimbs…?

We did not make a decision concerning a Hillclimb participation, but are definitely taking part in all four rallies. As I said, the first rally will be a test, either we continue or we stop.

Christian, a lot of people are curious to know how old are you?

I am 46 years old.

Will we see Christian Korban in the next few seasons of the Lebanese Rally Championship?

The enthusiasm is there and everything is there but we have to prove our pace.

So if you are fast, you will continue, if not, you will stop?

Yes, correct. The car is there, the team is there and every piece of the puzzle is there, and I would like to thank Ghassan Khoury for the great car and team. Everything is there, and like I said, I just need to prove my pace.

Away from Christian Korban the driver. Considering you are a person who follows the Lebanese motorsport scene, who of the young generation of drivers has impressed you most?

Will you believe me if I told you that I do not follow the Lebanese rally scene?

Is it possible that Christian Korban did not follow the Lebanese rally scene prior to his return?

No, I don’t follow because it doesn’t interest me, I am a competitor, and it bothers me to watch or follow other drivers.

The ATCL have decided upon three loops of two stages in the Spring Rally. The two stages, Blat and (13 Epingle?) are quite famous, and drivers grew accustomed to them. Do you think the fact that these two stages will be repeated three times will benefit you?

Of course, they do not require a physical effort or a lot of practice. Like I said, my job is preventing me from testing, and I’m coming from way behind, and a driver in my position should be practicing a lot, putting on mileage. I’m not complaining, but that’s the truth of the matter. I need more practice.

Christian, thank you for your time and best of luck in your return.
