After an improved performance in the Cedars Rally Joseph has something to say about the night stages. We met him after the rally and took his general impressions.
Jospeh you finished 6th are you satisfied with your result?
So far I am satisfied. I am satisfied to a certain extent. I could have been much better in the night stages but I had a problem with the ramp. I was driving blindly if we can say. I didn’t better at night I don’t know why.
Ziad Feghali beat you on a relatively slower car; shouldn’t you have finished in front of him?
I should have been closer. I can’t say I should have beaten him but I did the maximum in the conditions I had.
In the second loop your times were better than the first and the last loop, why?
Well I pushed and I got close to all the guys. I broke between the top 5 many times.
Did you feel you have improved compared to the spring rally?
Well yes I drover better and my times were better. Tony even told me so. I can’t say I’m 100% satisfied but I feel I improves and im looking forward for more improvement.
At the end of our conversation Joseph sent a kind message to ATCL:
“I would like to congratulate ATCL for all the efforts they are putting, they are certainly amazing, but I have a small request; cancel the night stages. I think they are useless. We are pushing so hard in the day but slowing down at night. I don’t think many drivers are supportive of night stages. They are dangerous, they are not good for sponsors and they are not even good for photography and video shooting.”
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