Kawasaki’s First Super Cross Race Kicks Off at AUT Campus

October 4, 2016 – RYMCO Power Sports and in partnership with the American University of Technology (AUT), the Motorcycle Club (MTCL), and Commercial Insurance, kicked off the first Kawasaki Super Cross Race in Lebanon.

Held on Thursday, September 29, in Halat, Jbeil, AUT Campus, the Kawasaki Super Cross Race brought together Lebanon’s best super cross riders. 25 participant came together to compete at the Kawasaki/AUT motocross arena, designed especially for the occasion.

“The dream came true,” said Yves Khadra, RYMCO Power Sports Manager. “This goes back to AUT in trusting this idea and being fully onboard. The arena is built to stay, and this event is just a start to a bigger project of building a motor cross academy providing upcoming Riders the ethics and techniques of this sport.”

Professional athletes were performing and challenging each other’s on a dirt closed track with jumps, in an exceptional show dedicated to young generation and motorcycle enthusiasts. Jamil Ghalayini won the first Mx with 1:38.3 minute, and Mohamad Ali Sbeity took over the Mx 2 being first with 1:56.4 minute. Whilst, the best performance went for Mahmoud Homsi.

Judging the performances was done by Lebanon’s best motor cross riders, Mr. Jad Kobeissi, Mr. Rafic Eid and Mr. Mahmoud Kahwaji. Judging criteria was based on the time to finish the lap, techniques, style, and jumps. The track included jumps rated between medium to difficult. At the end a certificate of appreciation for hosting the event has been given to Mrs. Ghada Hinain, Owner of the American University of Technology.

“Our main objective is to promote safe racing and to educate the young generation, lovers of motorbikes, that this sport has to be done on closed tracks and not main highways,” added Khadra. “Spreading awareness about the importance of getting the right training from existing and future motorsport schools is the key, what is more important is to provide the right infrastructure for this. We need more tracks like the AUT Halat, so we can give motor cross lovers the chance to affordably practice their favorite hobby.”

RYMCO Power Sports aims to continuously organize the Kawasaki Super Cross race in an attempt to orient young generations to safely practice their hobby in closed tracks after getting necessary skills from motorsports schools.