New Look, New Season and a New Challenge…

I hope you enjoyed our new surprise. is now on version 3.0, changed skin, and brought up some new enhancements. 

As ever and being the leaders in the online Middle East Automotive and Motorsport scene, we have the responsibility to address the needs of the fans and users. With the fast growing world of Mobiles and Tablets, needed a shift to cope with huge changes and to create a better user experience on such devices

Our direction was clear; Keep it simple and make it responsive! We have also made sure that the website address the needs of users on advanced devices such as laptops with Retina Display for a better experience.

 On another level some changes to the branding of our Biser3a platforms were made for some marketing purposes. The brands will be positioned as follows: will be the English international platform will be the Arabic speaking platform for our video blog and our video production section

You can check all the new features of the website on this link.

This move forward was an essential step in the progress and the advancement of the Biser3a brand. After the launch of in Fall 2013 here we are completing all the changes at the beginning of the 2014 Motorsport season promising our fans that work will never stop.

With these new changes, some new challenges arise and meeting the expectations in the digital world is not an easy task. We have made it our target to face all the challenges, overcome them and move forward. We believe that time will only prove that hard work always pays off.

Since the start of at the beginning of the year 2011, few believed that we will make it, many put obstacles in our way, and many others made their job to destroy our success and ride the wave of our ideas, but the most important thing is the friends we made, and the fans we are honored to have. I would above all like to thank them for their support and for the push that they have given us throughout this path.

In same context I would like to remember a friend who helped us all the way before leaving so early; Motorsport photographer Kamal Najem.

Behind this continuous quest and the thrive to become one of the leaders in the Motorsport media industry was a group of talented extraordinary gentlemen, which I would like to thank for the continuous efforts from Day 1. Without you this would never have happened.

 I would like to also thank a group of friends that helped us to grow along the way but have moved to create their own successful careers. At the end I would like to welcome a group of new faces that will be joining the team this season and you will get to meet them along the way.

Start Your Engines! We are ready to roll…