Osmat Saify; I proved that I have the technique

Osmat Saify talks about his switch to TG Rally Skills and about a tough competition in the speed test.


On his first time driving a TG Rally Skills Evo 9, Osmat Saify drove the car to second place overall and second in the Group N category at the last speed test in Kfarzebian. Osmat told us after the race about his feeling and the about the new car.

First Group N and second overall, how do you feel?

It is the first time for me driving a well prepared rally car. It was a challenge between me and me to see if I can perform. I wanted to check out if the car was slowing me down or I had the problem. Thank God for the results and it proved that I have the technique. in the first run I broke the times of all the prototypes, and in the second time they all pushed further and I took the car to the limit.  I am very happy and this really gave me a push to the future, and I promise you that you will see more from me.

[singlepic id=2745 w=320 h=240 float=left]Are you going to continue on this car?

Well I hope so.

With TG Rally Skills?

Yes for sure. Tony Germany is the man to work with and his cars are very well prepared.

So you are not buying a new car?

The project of buying a new car stopped. It’s too expensive and we need bug sponsors. We will continue on this car now.

And about the future participations?

I will be participating in the speed test for sure and in the Rally Of Lebanon,  and we will see about the hill climbs.

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