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Paddy Lowe Gets technical director role at McLaren
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Paddy Lowe Gets technical director role at McLaren

McLaren Shuffles some administrational posts and hands Paddy Lowe TD position as well as promotes Tim Goss.

In their quest for long term stability and success, McLaren under goes some administrational shuffles, where the technical director job is handed to long time serving engineer Paddy Lowe.

Paddy Lowe was engineering director, but his position is now handed to chief engineer Tim Goss. Neil Oatley remains as director of design and development programs. The three men have a combined 62 years of service at McLaren.

McLaren have delayed the launch of their car to February 4 creating speculation that they are hidings something very radical. The team said in an official statement that ahead of the launch the team underwent some changes that led to giving Paddy Lowe some more space and time to create a strategic plan for McLaren’s future. These changes will serve in giving team member more time to focus on their respective jobs.