In the sixth installment of the Fast and Furious movie series, two poles-apart sports cars will make star appearances, Toyota/Subaru’s 200-horsepower sideways-loving BRZ and the almighty Pagani Zonda.
Motor Trend magazine recently reported that as many as five Subaru BRZs were supplied for the movie, which will see Vin Diesel returning as Dominic Toretto, Paul Walker as Brian O’Conner, Michelle Rodriguez as Leticia Ortiz and Dwayne Johnson as Luke Hobbs.
Fast and Furious 6 is set to premiere on May 24, 2013. In the meantime, you can check out some cool filming video footage from Tenerife in the Canary Islands.
Shooting Fast 6 in Tenerife 09/24/12 from Gus Garcia on Vimeo.