The Mercedes-Benz Magical Days, an enchanted event by T. Gargour & Fils

T. Gargour & Fils, the exclusive and sole agent of Mercedes-Benz in Lebanon, launched a new event concept under the theme” The Mercedes-Benz Magical Days”. A festive event with the aim of spreading positive vibes at the end of 2018 and thanking the customers for their continuous support in making Mercedes-Benz, leader in the luxury market year on year. People enjoyed engaging artistic workshops, tasted culinary delicacies specially made for the occasion, listened to live music and enchanting kids Christmas choral in addition they also benefited from special offers on new Mercedes-Benz cars. The event was magical and different.

On this occasion, Mr. Cesar Aoun, General Manager of Mercedes-Benz at T. Gargour & Fils said: “At a time when our country is facing critical economic challenges and unstable situation, our faith in the country gives us the best drive to keep on delivering the best to our people. The Mercedes-Benz Magical Days is a concept that aimed at reinventing the way we celebrate excellence while offering an exceptional customer experience.”

T. Gargour & Fils sales and marketing strategies and focus on customer satisfaction is making Mercedes-Benz a leader in the luxury market.
As a vital factor in its strategy to provide unparalleled first-rate services for their customers, T. Gargour & Fils always makes sure to remain one-step ahead by constantly applying best practices for its development.