Dubai’s stars & VIPs gathered for the special screening of Marvel’s Iron Man 3 movie at The Dubai Mall’s Reel Cinemas on Tuesday 30 April. The film, distributed by Disney, is due for general release in cinemas in the UAE from May 2nd. Present at the UAE screening was rock band Juliana Down as well as officials from Al Nabooda Automobiles including K Rajaram, CEO of Al Nabooda Automobiles, and Ali Al Nabooda, General Manager of Audi Dubai.
Audi has joined forces with Disney and Marvel Studios, a subsidiary of Marvel Entertainment, and the brand will once again be highlighted throughout the entire film. As well as showcasing Audi technology and sleek design with the Audi R8, Iron Man 3 also features the Audi S7, driven by Paltrow’s character Pepper Potts, CEO of Stark Industries and girlfriend of Tony Stark. The film also includes placement of the Audi A8 L, A6, S5 Coupé and Q5 models.
“Audi is excited to showcase the brand’s cutting edge technology and sleek design with the Audi R8 in Marvel’s Iron Man 3,” said Trevor Hill, Managing Director of Audi Middle East. “This is a strategic collaboration for us. Similar to the position of the R8 as an innovation leader, Iron Man’s character consistently evolves throughout the trilogy as he masterminds new trends in technology and engineering.”
Ali Al Nabooda, General Manager of Audi Dubai added: “We, as the local importer are especially excited to see the Audi brand featured on the big screen. The partnership is a real testament to the global success of Audi and its position as one of the most progressive and forward-thinking automotive brands. We hope the film will inspire Dubai residents to visit our state of the art showroom on Sheikh Zayed Road and test drive an Audi for themselves”.
Robert Downey Jr. will reprise his role as Tony Stark, the title character in the film, whose Super Hero alter ego Iron Man is the result of an extremely versatile and indestructible high-tech armor suit. Whenever Stark hangs up his suit, the technically-adept billionaire can be seen in the film behind the wheel of the all-electric R8 e-tron sports car prototype. Oscar winner Gwyneth Paltrow also returns as Virginia “Pepper” Potts, CEO of Stark Industries and girlfriend of Tony Stark, who drives an Audi S7.